Saturday, November 29, 2008

A Wild Cow, A Musical House & "Elk Guts"

On Friday morning, after we had hit a few Black Friday sales, Ricky and I decided to cruise around. As we passed the UC we saw a COW. So? Well, the cow was not on the right side of the fence where he/she belonged. So, being the "do-gooder" (thanks Richard) that I am I drove up to the gate of a farm nearby. I explained to him the cows predicament that I don't think it belonged on the bike path. He proceeded to tell me that it must just be, "a wild cow." Now, what the heck is a wild cow? I think he was so bothered by me calling him because he hung up on me. (Nice, Mr. Good Samaritan Farmer Man) So now I am upset, as in sad and kept repeating, "wild cow, wild cow," what the he** is a wild cow? Well, low and behold there was another "do gooder" out there that was trying to get the cow back to where it belonged. So he escorted it down the bike path using his car and eventually the "wild cow" went back to join his friends. Of course I was upset that I did not think of getting a picture of "wild cow" while he was on the bike path so I had to settle for this one. "Wild Cow" is in the foreground on it's way to hook backup with his buddies.

Christmas is one of my most favorite times of the year. I love driving around and looking at lights. I was so happy to see that this house was back up again sharing Christmas Cheer. It amazes me at how it is all put together. They even have an actual security camera as well. I hope you can hear the "Charlie Brown" Christmas music in the background as I love the show and it reminded me of last year when Ricky was practicing for the production.

I know this is a long post but I have to give one more shout out to our neighbors...Mr. and Mrs. Elk Guts. Neighbor Jenn did her awesome sign drawing once again. Congrats Neighbor Julie and Neighbor Cliff!


Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tacos vs. Turkey


Well, first of all Happy Thanksgiving to all. It was a very nice a quiet day which was a must after all the craziness of the past month. I must admit that I am not much of fan of Thanksgiving. Sure we have our traditions, homemade cinnamon rolls, the Macy's Parade, decorating for Christmas, but all in all we just relax.
I guess today is the 30th anniversary of me finally taking a stand to not eat turkey on Thanksgiving. I despise the bird. My kids eat it. Richard eats it. I personally cannot handle the sight or smell of it. So many moons ago, I started my own Thanksgiving Dinner...tacos. Imagine a table all set up with the beautiful china and all, throw in some candles and then as you scan the table there sits my tacos. They definitely look out of place, but it is a given that they will be there on what everyone refers to as "turkey day."
A few things that I am thankful for are...
*my family- fall brook court, janet court, robin hood and wyoming drive
*my job-next to Disneyland, it is the "happiest place in the hood."
*my health-although I have had my share of scares, God has blessed me with great results.
*my friends-fall brook court, scrapbooking, Tenaya and travel ball
*the daily help that I get from my mom and Jennie
*breakfast at my mom's house
*my kid's athletic abilities
* watching my two kids grow-so can't believe that they are 12 and 8
*that despite all Richard and I have been thru-to hell and back-not talking for days, maybe weeks, that we have not given up and are learning everyday that we can do this
*me-sounds weird but I am thankful for who I am. I am not perfect and a bit whacked at times but I know that if I can slip and fall and end up under my car and LAUGH or fall into the tub and break my nose and still LAUGH that things are pretty food.
Looking forward to what next year will bring-the one thing that I know for sure is when it comes down to tacos or turkey....the tacos will win every time!
Peace...and eat tacos!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Life's Lessons

This has been an extremely busy week. I cannot believe that it is actually Friday. This week I guess the theme of our house would be "life's lessons." Lessons that I learned and lessons that I hope Ricky and Jessica will take to heart and remember forever. Thank goodness that my children will not be tested by the State of California on their mastery of these lessons, but that they will be tested by life itself and those around them.

*keep your day planner with you and keep it current-this will allow for no last minute surprises like "puppet night" on Wednesday.
*always wear shorts under your sweats-"if you get hot-you can just pull them off!"
*always tell your parents where you are going and don't take off on your own-little Miss Jessica is having issues with this one, but after this morning, hopefully she will learn
*never, ever, throw down your jersey when you are mad during a game
*never, ever speak in an ugly tone for it is a long walk home
*Pilgrim facts-thank goodness for Jessica that she has her brother to help her with her homework
*a bubble-one that was blown by chance and now is close to mastery
*that your child enjoyed having you stay and help make puppets-I am glad you stayed mom and didn't just drop me off (we will see how long this will last)
*never, ever make your pillows look like a body so that way when your mom goes to wake you up in the morning-she finds them and not you...and don't make it worse by giggling!
*The Act of Contrition
*the disappointment that Prop. 8 won-I am proud that my two children accept all people
*my children's interest in politics and the fact that they could discuss the issues and their choices and stand by them
*that it is important to vote-they wanted to leave by 6:30 to get to the polls before they opened
*that having a new pair of shoes for Ricky's first game really was important to him
*that sometime life is not fair and that is just how it is

The biggest lesson that I learned this week as I watch my children grow is, sometimes I just want to get in the car and drive-fast-and just go, but I know that as I look in the rear view mirror those two totally awesome kids were given to me by God will be there. I may make it to the end of Fall Brook Court but then my phone would ring and it would say "HOME."

I thank them for the lessons that they teach me on a daily basis.


Sunday, November 2, 2008


Well this past week has been pretty much a blur. Lots of fun things going on and new socks to be found!

*High School Musical 3 was totally cute... I loved it!
*Went to Michelle K.'s house for a Halloween Craft night. Had such a great time. Got 14 pages done. Great food, great company-her mom makes me laugh and smile!
*Ricky cooked dinner for Jessica but made chicken strips and not nuggets so-Jessica went to bed hungry-she will learn to be grateful. Thank you RD
*soccer on saturday
*cleaned and organized my scrapbooking room...AGAIN
*Jessica had 10 correct picks in her weekly football picks
*Ricky made the school basketball team
*Jessica finished 2 MTH books this week
*Ricky and Jessica both loved Central Catholic
*Jessica loves her Cathechism teacher so it is not a big drama every Wednesday-thank goodness
*Richard was on pumpkin patrol this year as all of our traditions went to the way side because two little people in this house have too busy of a schedule
*Grandma Joan was in town and between her and Jenn, saved Jessica's costume
*Trunk or Treat was fun
*Jessica's Halloween Party was a lot of fun
*On-Star could not unlock my car-next time I will say it is Tiger Woods
*tacos at Jennie's
*Trick or Treating with the Salcidos...the only tradition that we were able to hold onto this year.-Jessica so loves her neighbor Noah and so proud that Kyle and Ricky made smart choices while trick or treating
*Jessica scored a goal
*it rained
*Ricky played baseball-drove in 6 runs
*Ricky was asked to play in Arizona in December
*Jessica had total one on one time with her Nana

well that is just a tad of what happened this week at 1976 Fall Brook Court
