Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The life of a rookie blogger

As I spent time at the computer today,trying and trying to get this whole blogging thing right, I asked myself is it worth it? I could be doing the laundry, I could be watching tv, I could be scrapbooking or maybe even taking a nap. But thanks to my two neighbors, Jenn and Patricia, here I sit with a quiet house still grimacing because I can't get it right. I will fgure it out-eventually. But at what cost? Piles of laundry, a full TIVO, 20,000 pictures waiting to be cropped and glued. Life is what it is and at this point I am a rookie. I don't care for that status and will continue. I may not blog often, but I will get it.

Thanks to Neighbor Jenn who told me about the background for this blog. While it is a bit obnoxious-it is the closest thing to Disney that I could find. I guess with each passing day, progress will occur.

On the other side of life that does not require a computer, today was Jennie's 73rd Birthday. We had a barbecue, cupcakes and of course watched Fresno State.

Jessica had her last league game tonight and although they lost by one run, it was by far their best game over. Jessica played awesome defense and CRUSHED the ball several times. She has her All-Star Game next Tuesday and we are all excited for that.


Jenn said...

Ooooo...look at you! I say, my neighbor/friend, that you are NOT a rookie. Your blog is looking great. I love your background! The cupcakes were crazy delicious. Thanks for sharing! I, too, have a mountain of laundry waiting. But what the H-E-double-hockey-sticks. It's there no matter what!=) Go jessica! Good luck on Tuesday!!

patricia said...

Your blog looks amazing! I can't believe that you've been teaching for 18 years, time sure has flown by. Can't wait to read about the All-Star game. Love, pd'e