We landed three tickets and tossed the idea back and forth. WE knew it was going to be hot...but it was REALLY HOT!!
Thank goodness to some friends that live directly across the street from the UC, we did not have to be shuttled in. WE parked at their house and just walked across the street. Thank you Cook family.
As we drove closer to the campus the excitement and energy grew. We had no idea what was in store for us, but we were ready.
As we entered campus it was a sight that still gives me goosebumps. The awe in the air was breathtaking. We went and found our seats and then we were off to get some of our favorite burritos from the campus cafeteria. Free water was passed out. Everyone was on their best behavior...except for Mr. HEAT! It was UGLY-HOT. Some people were very creative in their attempts to stay cool, while others sat for hours only to be taken away before Michelle Obama spoke.
This gentleman was innovative and his attempt at staying cool was our favorite. Yes, that is his wife's purse and the Graduation program.
Who says a cardboard box can't be a hat?
Jessica, Ricky and Kelly Doll-they so love her!
While we were waiting we saw a lot of people that we knew. Everyone shared the same feelings...there was no way they could pass up this historic event. Jessica even learned how to flirt a bot as "Kelly Doll" took her to meet some Secret Service agents. Jessica was supposed to ask them if they wore coooling packs under their suits, but she "chickened out" so poor Kelly had to do all the talking.
So we sat, and sat, 3 1/2 hours and then the crowd started to stir. The anticipation that was flowing throughout the crowd saw the finish line. There was some commotion behind us and there SHE was...walking with the graduates. Impressive. Here she is, The First Lady, Michelle Obama, walking in...no one expected her to walk...especially in that HEAT. She smiled, she waved...humble-simplicity is the best way that I can adress the way I felt when I saw her. She was no better than anyone else. She endured the heat and the graduation walk like everyone else.
Their were cheers and whistles. Pride was everywhere. What an accomplishment for the Class of 2009. Before Michelle spoke, the video that was sent toher was shown. In addition to the video a huge letter writing campaign had taken place and 900 Valentine's Day cards had been sent to her. She let everyone know that it wasn't because of her friendship with Dianne Feinstein's husband that she was ther, it was because her staff told her, "she needed to do this." The video was great, my favorite slide was this one...gee, I wonder why.
Michelle's speech was incredible. She spoke from the heart on the importance of giving back to all those that have helped you get to where you are at. To bleieve that things can be accomplished, if YOU BELIEVE!
Ricky and Jessica were troopers but at one point, I knew it was time when Jessica asked, "if we can just go now." Ricky then thought if we hurried we would be able to see her motorcade when it left...so off we went. We talked to a few CHP officers and told them that Papa was a CHP. We asked of we could see her leave and they told us where we could stand. All of a sudden a man came out of nowhere and aksed if he could stand with us-okay, sure. Within minutes, cars started moving, the motorcylces revved and here SHE came. I was behind the camera and Ricky and Jessica were yelling and waving. All of a sudden, the man started yelling SHE waved at THEM, SHE waved at THEM. Ricky and Jessica are screaming, SHE waved at US. Although I did not catch that on camera, I was glad that man was their to witness that indeed, Michelle Obama had waved to my two kids-that was cool!
She is on the passenger side.
So we stood there in the heat and watched as this historical event came to an end. In 11 minutes she was back at Castle Air Force Base boarding her plane.
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Hi Hollywood....I nominated you for a Kreativ Blog Award...check out my blog for details....
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