Jessica won two writing awards in the Merced County Writing Festival. WOO HOO!!!A 1st and a 3rd! We were so proud of her and her accomplishment. She awards were given on her two writing pieces, one called, "The Trip," and the other based on the book "Teammates." She was still feeling miserable after the awards ceremony so I pulled her and Ricky out of school. I wanted to make the day special despite my earlier plans of going home and just sleeping, because sleep really is not a necessity to me. Sleep is sometimes a waste of time in my world. I will catch up on it one day.

So we took a trip out to UC Merced to see all the preparations for it's first Commencement and for First Lady, Michelle Obama, who will be addressing the graduates. We had lunch in the student cafeteria, Jessica "misplaced" her bowl of Chinese and opted for nachos. We spoke to people setting up and ran into a few people we knew. We just happened to be in the right place at the right time and we were able to meet UC Merced's Chancellor, Steve Kang. He is a very gracious gentleman and the kids were happy they got to meet him. We looked at the exhibit called "Transitions," that was done by a friend of ours, Roger Wyan. The longer we spent out there and the more people we spoke to, we decided that we could not pass up the opportunity and will be a part of all of the excitement tomorrow, May 16, 2009. UC Merced is only 2-3 miles from our house and since Ricky and Jessica are excited, I cannot pass this historical day up. We will be a part of history, and that is always a cool thing to be.

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