Today begins a new chapter for our country. A country that you are both proud to be a part of. I am so proud that you both understand the election process and understand the responsibility that we as Americans have when it comes to voting.

Today you will witness a historical event that I never believed would happen. I am proud to say that America is changing and those changes will make your lives and those of your peers easier. Today represents, "that all men are created equal."
I do HOPE that you will appreciate today as it will forever change the face of America.
I do hope that you will take it upon yourselves in learning to serve others and take ACTION in making this world a better place.
CHANGE comes in small steps that you must be willing to take to improve what you are not satisfied with. It can't happen at once, so you must be patient and never give up.
Today, above all, I am proud to be an American. We are blessed to live in this great country where we can choose to watch either the Disney Channel or Sports Center. We are blessed to be able to travel freely and enjoy this incredible country. We are blessed to have choices. Some that we make may not always be the right ones, but as long as we learn from them, then the lesson was well worth it.
I love you both and God Bless America!

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