Some traditions did not make it this year. We had 3 broken bones, a baseball tournament in Palm Springs, parties, performances, First Reconciliation, baseball and golf.
The Gingerbread House and new ornament did not make the cut this year. We also had no ornaments on our tree which was actually pretty nice. Neighbor Mark did help decorate it one night by tossing a baseball into it. It landed perfectly and so many others were thrown at the tree. Different, but it all looked good.
Ricky was passed the torch of reading The Polar Express. Every Christmas Eve we go to my parents house for a reading of it and then a visit by someone very special. Ricky did a great job.
Jessica is listening intently and curious to see who gets the bell this year...well, that tradition went to the w
ayside as well...
Here are all the grandkids with their Nana and Papa. They are so blessed to have them in their lives on a daily basis.
My dad bought my mom her "favorite" perfume...Tabu.
She was "thrilled." What she failed to realize was attached to her "favorite" scent was a pair of diamond earrings! Go Dad!!!
Here is the man of the hour. We are so blessed that he takes time out of his busy schedule on Christmas Eve to stop by and read T'was the Night Before Christmas to us.
Another tradition was passed down this past Christmas Eve when Jessica took on the role of Santa at the Martinez family celebration. She called out each family member name and in keeping with tradition, they all had to sit on Santa's lap when their first gift of the evening was called. She was awesome. Pretty darn cute too, I must say.
These two are too stinkin' cute. I am blessed. I tell myself that often... Merry Christmas and a Happy 2009!
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