On Friday morning, after we had hit a few Black Friday sales, Ricky and I decided to cruise around. As we passed the UC we saw a COW. So? Well, the cow was not on the right side of the fence where he/she belonged. So, being the "do-gooder" (thanks Richard) that I am I drove up to the gate of a farm nearby. I explained to him the cows predicament that I don't think it belonged on the bike path. He proceeded to tell me that it must just be, "a wild cow." Now, what the heck is a wild cow? I think he was so bothered by me calling him because he hung up on me. (Nice, Mr. Good Samaritan Farmer Man) So now I am upset, as in sad and kept repeating, "wild cow, wild cow," what the he** is a wild cow? Well, low and behold there was another "do gooder" out there that was trying to get the cow back to where it belonged. So he escorted it down the bike path using his car and eventually the "wild cow" went back to join his friends. Of course I was upset that I did not think of getting a picture of "wild cow" while he was on the bike path so I had to settle for this one. "Wild Cow" is in the foreground on it's way to hook backup with his buddies.
Christmas is one of my most favorite times of the year. I love driving around and looking at lights. I was so happy to see that this house was back up again sharing Christmas Cheer. It amazes me at how it is all put together. They even have an actual security camera as well. I hope you can hear the "Charlie Brown" Christmas music in the background as I love the show and it reminded me of last year when Ricky was practicing for the production.

I know this is a long post but I have to give one more shout out to our neighbors...Mr. and Mrs. Elk Guts. Neighbor Jenn did her awesome sign drawing once again. Congrats Neighbor Julie and Neighbor Cliff!
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