Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
A Wild Cow, A Musical House & "Elk Guts"

On Friday morning, after we had hit a few Black Friday sales, Ricky and I decided to cruise around. As we passed the UC we saw a COW. So? Well, the cow was not on the right side of the fence where he/she belonged. So, being the "do-gooder" (thanks Richard) that I am I drove up to the gate of a farm nearby. I explained to him the cows predicament that I don't think it belonged on the bike path. He proceeded to tell me that it must just be, "a wild cow." Now, what the heck is a wild cow? I think he was so bothered by me calling him because he hung up on me. (Nice, Mr. Good Samaritan Farmer Man) So now I am upset, as in sad and kept repeating, "wild cow, wild cow," what the he** is a wild cow? Well, low and behold there was another "do gooder" out there that was trying to get the cow back to where it belonged. So he escorted it down the bike path using his car and eventually the "wild cow" went back to join his friends. Of course I was upset that I did not think of getting a picture of "wild cow" while he was on the bike path so I had to settle for this one. "Wild Cow" is in the foreground on it's way to hook backup with his buddies.
Christmas is one of my most favorite times of the year. I love driving around and looking at lights. I was so happy to see that this house was back up again sharing Christmas Cheer. It amazes me at how it is all put together. They even have an actual security camera as well. I hope you can hear the "Charlie Brown" Christmas music in the background as I love the show and it reminded me of last year when Ricky was practicing for the production.

I know this is a long post but I have to give one more shout out to our neighbors...Mr. and Mrs. Elk Guts. Neighbor Jenn did her awesome sign drawing once again. Congrats Neighbor Julie and Neighbor Cliff!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Tacos vs. Turkey

Friday, November 7, 2008
Life's Lessons
*keep your day planner with you and keep it current-this will allow for no last minute surprises like "puppet night" on Wednesday.
*always wear shorts under your sweats-"if you get hot-you can just pull them off!"
*always tell your parents where you are going and don't take off on your own-little Miss Jessica is having issues with this one, but after this morning, hopefully she will learn
*never, ever, throw down your jersey when you are mad during a game
*never, ever speak in an ugly tone for it is a long walk home
*Pilgrim facts-thank goodness for Jessica that she has her brother to help her with her homework
*a bubble-one that was blown by chance and now is close to mastery
*that your child enjoyed having you stay and help make puppets-I am glad you stayed mom and didn't just drop me off (we will see how long this will last)
*never, ever make your pillows look like a body so that way when your mom goes to wake you up in the morning-she finds them and not you...and don't make it worse by giggling!
*The Act of Contrition
*the disappointment that Prop. 8 won-I am proud that my two children accept all people
*that having a new pair of shoes for Ricky's first game really was important to him
*that sometime life is not fair and that is just how it is
The biggest lesson that I learned this week as I watch my children grow is, sometimes I just want to get in the car and drive-fast-and just go, but I know that as I look in the rear view mirror those two totally awesome kids were given to me by God will be there. I may make it to the end of Fall Brook Court but then my phone would ring and it would say "HOME."
I thank them for the lessons that they teach me on a daily basis.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
*High School Musical 3 was totally cute... I loved it!
*Went to Michelle K.'s house for a Halloween Craft night. Had such a great time. Got 14 pages done. Great food, great company-her mom makes me laugh and smile!
*Ricky cooked dinner for Jessica but made chicken strips and not nuggets so-Jessica went to bed hungry-she will learn to be grateful. Thank you RD
*soccer on saturday
*cleaned and organized my scrapbooking room...AGAIN
*Jessica had 10 correct picks in her weekly football picks
*Ricky made the school basketball team
*Jessica finished 2 MTH books this week
*Ricky and Jessica both loved Central Catholic
*Jessica loves her Cathechism teacher so it is not a big drama every Wednesday-thank goodness
*Richard was on pumpkin patrol this year as all of our traditions went to the way side because two little people in this house have too busy of a schedule
*Grandma Joan was in town and between her and Jenn, saved Jessica's costume
*Trunk or Treat was fun
*Jessica's Halloween Party was a lot of fun
*On-Star could not unlock my car-next time I will say it is Tiger Woods
*tacos at Jennie's
*Trick or Treating with the Salcidos...the only tradition that we were able to hold onto this year.-Jessica so loves her neighbor Noah and so proud that Kyle and Ricky made smart choices while trick or treating
*Jessica scored a goal
*it rained
*Ricky played baseball-drove in 6 runs
*Ricky was asked to play in Arizona in December
*Jessica had total one on one time with her Nana
well that is just a tad of what happened this week at 1976 Fall Brook Court
Sunday, October 26, 2008
"Mom, I can't find my socks!"
Lately, Jessica seems to be losing more and more socks. We can always find one, but not the other. These mysterious things that resembled socks started popping up around the backyard. Belle, Cinderella and Ariel had taken a trip that Walt Disney never had intended. (Definitely not an E ticket ride) They had been ingested by one of Jessica's four legged brothers. Richard and I figured it couldn't be Fenway because he is such a priss and it had to be the gut buster Max.
These mysterious packages had disappeared for awhile until today. We were in the living room when we heard the most obnoxious belch. We looked and saw Max...and what appeared to be a sock. A sock that belonged to Jessica. I asked Richard if he thought I could get the sock clean, more of a challenge than anything. We both agreed,it wasn't worth the effort, so to the trash it went. (Please note, I would not have had Jessica wear it-it was just this totally cool Halloween festive green color that seemed challenging)
So the mystery of the sock culprit was solved. It was Max. We were amazed that he did not choke or get it stuck in his intestines. It is strange that it has been awhile since any of these have surfaced. I think it is because he has eaten all of the Disney socks. As Neighbor Jenn pointed out, he is a true Delgado-Martinez. He too wanted a piece of Disney. I quickly pointed out that the Martinez side had him "let it go," as like Richard, he can only handle Disney for a short time before he to needs to let it go.
Peace and pick up your socks!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
High School Musical 3 is in the house!

Following lunch they will meet me in line as the anticipation builds to see Zac, Gabriella and Sharpay.
I never got pulled out of school to go watch a movie. I guess this really isn't just any old is High School Musical 3. By the way, Jessica thinks Disney is being greedy for charging us to watch it. I asked her if she wanted to wait till it came on the Disney Channel. Of course the answer was no and eventhough she did not think Disney was being nice, she can hardly wait.
I can hardly wait myself and am looking forward to a great afternoon with friends followed by a moms night of scrapbooking and crafting.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
October 15, 1965 + 43
So yesterday, October 15, 2008, I turned 43. I so can't believe it as I remember when I thought turning 18 would make me an old lady. I had a great day.
Here are 43 things I loved about yesterday.
1. waking up to a sign on my garage-so love my neighbors
2. Ricky walking in, getting a hug and in his changing voice, "happy birthday mom."
3. Jessica faking she is asleep so she can jump up and yell, "happy birthday!"
4. Richard actually remembering
5. Max and Fenway's rendition of "Happy Birthday."
6. My mom's homemade pancakes
7. My mom's cinnamon rolls
8. Being sung "happy birthday" at the breakfast table
9. Being sung "happy birthday" in a department meeting
10. Getting a homemade card from a student
11. another round of "happy birthday" in the computer lab
12. my birthday being announced on Tenaya Television
13. happy birthdays throughout campus
14. a Fonzi birthday card
15. cards, hugs and candy from my morning core
16. my t.a. bringing a balloon and a card for the whole class to sign
17. Ricky setting my phone alarm to go off at 10:15 with a "happy birthday" message on it
18. Birthday greetings from my CE sisters
19. the wild bunch of 7th graders singing from across the lawn
20. 4th period's rendition of Happy Birthday
21. 5th period's rendition of Happy Birthday
22. our counselor's homemade card
23. marie callender chocolate pie from mark h at lunch
24. lunch with my dad, mark, penney, dora and windly
24. homemade muffins from dora
25. birthday shout outs from around campus
26. afternoon core's renditon of happy birthday
27. cards, stuffed animals, candy and more hugs
28. delivered flowers from one of my students-that was very cool
29. former students no0w in high school bringing a cupcake, cards and gift
30. other high schoolers stopping by to wish me happy birthday
31. the entire cheerleading team's rendition of HB with a few kicks thrown in
32. Ricky got a hair cut
33. Jessica was excited to go to Catechism
34. got a new camera because I lost my other one
35. neighbor mark asking about tacos ...we opted for hamburgers this year
36. homemade hamburgers and fries at my mom's
37. gift cards to Michael's from Aidan and Kenna
38. a card from Grandpa Al
39. the infamous choo choo train from Baskin Robbins
40. my brother called
41. we debated for 38:28 about going to Table Mountain so I could get my shirt
42. I only did one load of laundry because Ricky needed his uniform 43. Ricky and Jessica told me I am a good mom!
Thanks again...looking to # 44
Thanks Neighbors!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
1.How many songs are on your iPod? maybe 300-most of them Ricky and Jessica generated.
2. What music would you want played at your funeral? I Can Only Imagine, On Eagle's Wings, Simply the Best-(ricky, jessica and my song-because I think they are Simply the Best...even when my neighbor Jenn hears me screaming or using a hockey stick to get my kids into the house!)
3.What magazines do you have subscriptions to? Creative Keepsakes and Simple Scrapbooks
4. What is your favorite scent? Bath & Body's Lavender-helps me sleep and Sweet Pea.
5. If you had a million dollars that you could only spend on yourself, what would you do with it? Travel...but my kids who have to come and build on a scrapbooking room that could be organized correctly and functional
6. What is your theme song? Pocketful of Sunshine is big right now, but again, most songs are generated from Ricky and Jessica. Have a lot of old SMC favorites as well.
7. Do you trust easily? Probably TOO easily but glad that's how I am and how I get myself into some dumb situations.
8. Do you generally think before you act, or act before you think? Depends-if it is for me-I may think about it-for the kids-impulsive....scrapbooking-impulsive!
9.Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days? The state of our country has me sad, the little boy that keeps BUGGING Jessica and the fact that a kid would take a cheap shot at my son during a soccer game. Oh, and I forgot-MATH HOMEWORK!!!
10. Do you have a good body-image? As long as I am not looking in a mirror, trying on clothes...but yes, of course I do. LOL
11. Is being a mom fun? Wouldn't change it for the world!
12. How do you spend your social networking (Facebook, etc.) time? Blogging, Scrapbook Events, Neighborhood chit chats and lunch at work.
13. What have you been seriously addicted to lately? Pepsi-BAD! Cream of Wheat and toast.
15. What’s the last song that got stuck in your head? Pocketful of Sunshine as I play it everyday after I drop the kids off at my MIL's.
16.What’s your favorite item of clothing? My Saint Mary's sweatshirt!
17. Do you think Rice Krispies are yummy? Depends on who is making them.
18. What would you do if you saw $100 lying on the ground? Try to see if I could find out who it belonged to.
19. What items could you not go without during the day? Singing the Jessica song every night-even when I a gone over the phone and listening to Ricky tell me about his day and get mad if I forget to ask him about his.
20. What should you be doing right now? Doing lesson plans as I am off to Reno tomorrow!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
The TRIBE has spoken!
Last week the Missoula Children's Theater visited Mc Swain for the fourth year in a row. Well, Jessica was casted as the leader of the Tribe-the very hairy frowny face tribe. She had practice every night until 7:30 p.m. They did a performance in front of the whole school on Friday and then two performances on Saturday. The play was Robinson Caruso. It was a great play and we were so VERY PROUD of her. I have included some pictures.
We love you JESSICA!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
A Week in the Life
So this week...
*Jessica got a role as part of the Tribe in Robinson Caruso
*Ricky ate a jalapeno at school and scared everyone and he probably will never eat one again.
*Ricky's soccer team lost.
*It rained.
*I am back on my yearly Pepsi kick-not good.
*I started a new tradition for my family...spooky plates and cups for the month. BOO!
*I love having breakfast at my mom's every morning!
*Jessica is having a publishing party in class as they just published their first books.
*My tooth hurts.
*I have 6 loads of laundry to fold and atleast 6 to do.
*I have been the Merced Bus for all the kids in the play.
*I watched how pencils are made...very cool.
*I am almost out of Cream of Wheat.
*My feet hurt.
*Getting my nails done Friday at 4
*Had a scoop of Rocky Road ice cream
*Finished and mailed my Circle the wrong person!
*I am a dork
*I need to refill my meds.
*I have night lights strategically placed throughout the house.
*Can't wait to watch Private Practice
*Shared the Beatles with my students-"Let em In" (they loved it)
*Sing "You're Beautiful" with my students everyday
*Have not been in bed before midnight all week.
*Surprised Jessica today with dinner from Ben's.
*Loved her smile when she got her "Jessica chicken"
*Paid my city bill
*Made Jessica a really cool card for her publishing party
*2 Shows on Saturday
*Soccer is questionable
*Getting ready for Reno
* Grateful
*Wish I could remember more
Saturday, September 20, 2008
The Hills are Alive...

Friday, September 19, 2008
What Happened?
We ended our week with 2 police cars at our school. Ashamed and embarassed by what I see evolving at my second "home." I saw fear and panic in my own two children's eyes as they witnessed this all unfold.
Parents call screaming, cussing and accusing because how dare we hold their child accountable for their disrespectful behavior. It is obvious where these children learn that it is okay to be rude .
I am grateful that nothing bad happened. I am even more grateful that my own two children are safe and eventhough they can be a bit mouthy at times, they know when enough is enough!
What happened to the days where students did not talk back to their teachers? What happened to those days where the parents supported the school? What happened to ths days when schools were safe?
I am thankful that the majority of parents do care and hold their children accountable. I am thankful for those children that are respectful and are there to learn. I am thankful that I am a teacher and hopefully can continue to make a difference.
I just sit back sometimes though and wonder,
what happened?
Peace to all.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
So grateful that my CE Sisters from Texas are safe and sound.
So grateful that I teach 6th Graders-they keep me going.
So grateful for the network of friends I made and how we are still so present in each others lives.
So grateful that Team Bazzill sent me all of my lost supplies from CE.
So grateful that Laurie Stamas mentioned me and my kiddos on her blog. The kids love the daily challenge.
So grateful that Ricky did not get scored on today against Weaver and they won 5-2.
So grateful that Jessica scored 2 goals this weekend an although she is not playing with her buddies, she is still having fun.
So grateful for my mom making us breakfast every morning.
So grateful that Aidan wants ME to put on his socks and shoes in the morning.
So grateful that Mac Kenna gives me two fists to kiss.
So grateful that PG & E did not turn off my electricity.
So grateful for my neighbor Jenn.
So grateful for Cream of Wheat...don't know why, but that just seems to be working for me.
So grateful for...
What are you grateful for?
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Remembering all those affected by the tragedy of 9/11 on that terrible day seven years ago.....the injured, the terrified, and those who died.....and the families and friends they left behind. Peace and God Bless America
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Flew into Arizona via Portland Oregon Wednesday morning. I know I went WAY out of my way but my airline miles expire October 1st and I could not see them go to waste.
Checked into a beautiful room at the Wild Horse Pass Resort. Off to Shannon's room so we could get all of the festivities of the Yahoo! Board going. We heard that there was a Tim Holtz sighting at the bar so off we went to check him out. It was quite humorous to see all these women gawk over him...I sat on the couch and relaxed.
Did the Bazzill shopping trip on Thursday morning follwoing the Sprinkles Cupcake exchange. Picked up my favorite cookies at the Bread Basket Bakery and shopped some more at Scrapbooks Etc. (the nirvana for scrapbookers) Went to lunch with some fabulous women at Tia Rosa's. They were all from New York and we had a blast.
Creative Escape had officially started and we were off to see the Trunk Show, where the teachers showcase their work, and to Technique Boutique were we all had make and takes to complete.
The Yahoo! Party followed and that is where Secret Sisters, Candy Swapps, Page Swapps and alcohol were all mixed together. Off to Margartia Margie's room for some, well, margaritas. Her husband was literally on call to those caring for a libation.
We were in class all day Friday and Saturday. The food was awesome, even for someone picky. Still cannot believe that I was lucky enough to go back again this year. Have already started putting in my prayers for next year. It is absolutely the most incredible come together of incredible women from all over the world!
Flew home Sunday night via Seattle...airline miles. Made it back to Fall Brook Court around midnight. So sad that it all came to an end.
Went to see Dr. Carter today, nose is doing well, back in 30 days.
I know it sounds silly, but stop and be grateful today. Find something that ticked you off and put a little spin on me, you will smile.
Until next time, have a super fabulous day and be grateful because life is a journey. There are wrong turns and there are speed bumps. Of course there is always "Mapquest and On Star" to help along the way but only you can make the most of it because at the end of the day be grateful for what you have and the path that it took to get there.
Friday, August 29, 2008
When you get up in the middle of the night...turn on the light!
After the whole scene was cleaned up and I was laying in bed with an icepack on my nose, I realized what Marsha Brady felt like. It was not a pretty sight. Richard and I laughed about it, because there was not much else we could do now that the tears had flown.
So off I went to the doctors on Thursday to confirm that yes, the nose was fractured... and quite nicely. I did find some positives out of the whole experince though. One being-there was no damage to my teeth. Two, I did not go through the glass or there would have been only half of me left. Three, that I was not knocked unconscious and was able to scream so that I was not left there till the morning alarm went off.
Today I went to see Dr. Carter-surgery was needed. So at 2:10 today I was wheeled into the OR to get the nose repositioned and stabilized. Except for the Stormtrooper looking tape job, it is all good-must be the meds.
So after I told the story to my 6th Graders, I left them with this lifelong lesson...When you get up in the middle of the night...turn on the light!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Bazzill Bound-7 Sleeps
As Jessica would say, "I only have 7 sleeps left." It's as if Christmas was a week away...
Peace and a whole lot of fabulousness!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Happy Birthday Neighbors!
Happy Birthday guys!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Does underwear grown on trees?
The underwear was rescued in the darkness of night so no child was traumatized by seeing a pair of black boxers hanging from their tree.
Today we went to see "Mama Mia." It was my first introduction to the whole Mama Mia Mania of the Delgado family. Ricky and Jessica have seen the actual Broadway show three times and my mom has seen it 11 times in places like London, S.F., New York, Vegas, and Fresno just to name a few venues. It was a cute movie and now I too am in on the mania. My goal is to see the actual show.
Peace for now and have a fabulous week!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
One World-Cheetah Style
We just finished an impromptu game of soccer in the middle of the court. Ricky and I won 4-0 over Jessica and Richard. I now know why shin guards were invented as I believe my daughter damaged the three top levels of my lower legs epidermis with a major kick!
School is going well. Don't want to jinxit but I have 4 groups of really good kids. Not something that is easy to say after the first week but these kids are cool.
Ricky likes 6th Grade. He is in an all boys class and seems to like it. I can't believe in two years he is off to high school.
Jessica was blessed to get the best 2nd grade teacher that Mc Swain has to offer. She got Mrs. Van Horn and I can't tell you how happy and excited she was when she saw who her teacher was. Ricky was happy for her as he had her as a teacher as well.
Max continues to jump in the pool and as neighbor Jenn says, he tries to show off. It's like he is saying, "hey, look at what I can do."
Something is going on with Fenway as he will no longer jump up onto the bed. He needs help so I am a bit concerned. He seems fine otherwise.
Well, I need to go throw in another load of laundry. Didn't do it for 8 days-not good. Plus throw in all the bedding and let me tell you, my washer, dryer and I have become one today!
Peace and have a FABULOUS day.
Friday, August 15, 2008
New York Pix 1

Having some issues posting pictures. I need to plan for next week. Will post more later.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
We saw Miley on the Today show. There were some insane parents that had actually camped out ALL night and then LEFT before she came on because there were too many people. Whatever!
Jessica had a great time. Girl got a $5 umbrella when we were leaving "Wicked" due to the torrential, and I do mean torrential downpour. I never knew that all I had to do was spend $5 and the kid would be so stinkin' happy. I am glad that we had those three days together and were able to focus on just her before we were off to the land of baseball.
All was well until I got a phone call from Ricky that their flight had been cancelled and that they were stuck at JFK. Between lost luggage, a last minute $350 ticket, a "malfunction" with the airplane, sitting on the tarmac for an hour and a 6 hour drive for Richard, my dad and MIL, Jennie we all made it to Cooperstown. Ricky's equipment and luggage were lost. I almost "lost it" in the airport. I was either going to cry or be very unprofessional. I tried breathing, I tried acting like it would all be okay and then, to what did my ears hear, but it was "Dancing Queen" on the airport radio and I started to sing and dance. I did not care what the hundreds of people thought. Little did they know that was their salvation...salvation from not seeing a crazy Mexican go ballistic and end up either on Youtube or on the news for going psycho.To make matters worse, my son traveled to NY with no shoes-just cleats and shower shoes for 2 weeks.
Ricky did not place in the Home Run Derby. He was a bit sad but his team placing 3rd out of 96 teams in the "around the horn" competition made him feel much better. His first at bat on Sunday morning he went yard and crushed the ball over the fence for his first of four homeruns during week 1. The 11 year-old Blue Devils ended up 30th out of 96 teams-please remember that they were playing against 12 and 13 year olds. The team that knocked them out eventually won it all and are a baseball academy out of Florida. Ricky pitched against them and was the only pitcher in the tourney that did not allow a homerun, struck out two and gave up no runs.
Week 2 the 12's came and they faired a lot better ending up 5th out of 99 teams. Ricky hit 2 more home runs. His bat did well and he had a great time. We went back to the Hall of Fame and saw Barry Bond's asterisk ball. It was not there during week 1.
Jessica turned 8 on the 4th. We clebrated by going to Sal's (pizza equal to Pizza Villa but NY style) and then her and her Nana baked her cake. We took her to the Soccer Hall of Fame and to Cooperstown Family Fun Park. Her three days in New York City were also part of her celebration. Her favorite food in NYC-a Dunkin Donut!
Finally we made it home late Saturday night missing 7 pieces of luggage-the saga continued. Jessica and I stayed in Sacramento at the Marriott so we could get some school shopping done as I had no clue that Mc Swain started on the 12th!
It was a great 17 days...would do it again in a heartbeat. Next year will be Ricky's last year to play in Cooperstown. They want to play two weeks and are in the process of building, what he calls... a powerhouse team. Oh to be 12 and have that be your biggest concern.
Our family made a lot of great memories. We laughed, ate good, laughed some more. It was definitely a trip that will be forever remembered by all.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
44 hours, 2 minutes-2,914.10 miles to our future home

Thursday, July 17, 2008
One Week Left

Thursday, July 10, 2008
So long Williamsport
We are down one team and our schedule a bit alleviated.
Two weeks from today the Cooperstown adventure begins.
I am very proud of Ricky. He did his job and he truly was an All-Star. I love you son!
I know the "s" is missing
Baeball, Tonsils and Birthdays

2:21:00 PM
by 78968400mom
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
The life of a rookie blogger
Thanks to Neighbor Jenn who told me about the background for this blog. While it is a bit obnoxious-it is the closest thing to Disney that I could find. I guess with each passing day, progress will occur.
On the other side of life that does not require a computer, today was Jennie's 73rd Birthday. We had a barbecue, cupcakes and of course watched Fresno State.
Jessica had her last league game tonight and although they lost by one run, it was by far their best game over. Jessica played awesome defense and CRUSHED the ball several times. She has her All-Star Game next Tuesday and we are all excited for that.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Off to the cabin and a bit of "Baseball Heaven"
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Bon Voyage!
Now that we are home we have settled into our daily routine of Both Jessica and Ricky made the All-Star team and we are proud of both of them. Ricky is gearing up for the All-Star Tournaments and also for Cooperstown.
We are glad to be back at home but wouldn't mind being back on the ship. We were upgraded twice and ended up with a big stateroom with a verandha. I keep hoping that the beds here at home will magically get made and that someone will leave chocolates on my pillow...we are all looking forward to another cruise...and soon!