Sunday, October 26, 2008
"Mom, I can't find my socks!"
Lately, Jessica seems to be losing more and more socks. We can always find one, but not the other. These mysterious things that resembled socks started popping up around the backyard. Belle, Cinderella and Ariel had taken a trip that Walt Disney never had intended. (Definitely not an E ticket ride) They had been ingested by one of Jessica's four legged brothers. Richard and I figured it couldn't be Fenway because he is such a priss and it had to be the gut buster Max.
These mysterious packages had disappeared for awhile until today. We were in the living room when we heard the most obnoxious belch. We looked and saw Max...and what appeared to be a sock. A sock that belonged to Jessica. I asked Richard if he thought I could get the sock clean, more of a challenge than anything. We both agreed,it wasn't worth the effort, so to the trash it went. (Please note, I would not have had Jessica wear it-it was just this totally cool Halloween festive green color that seemed challenging)
So the mystery of the sock culprit was solved. It was Max. We were amazed that he did not choke or get it stuck in his intestines. It is strange that it has been awhile since any of these have surfaced. I think it is because he has eaten all of the Disney socks. As Neighbor Jenn pointed out, he is a true Delgado-Martinez. He too wanted a piece of Disney. I quickly pointed out that the Martinez side had him "let it go," as like Richard, he can only handle Disney for a short time before he to needs to let it go.
Peace and pick up your socks!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
High School Musical 3 is in the house!

Following lunch they will meet me in line as the anticipation builds to see Zac, Gabriella and Sharpay.
I never got pulled out of school to go watch a movie. I guess this really isn't just any old is High School Musical 3. By the way, Jessica thinks Disney is being greedy for charging us to watch it. I asked her if she wanted to wait till it came on the Disney Channel. Of course the answer was no and eventhough she did not think Disney was being nice, she can hardly wait.
I can hardly wait myself and am looking forward to a great afternoon with friends followed by a moms night of scrapbooking and crafting.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
October 15, 1965 + 43
So yesterday, October 15, 2008, I turned 43. I so can't believe it as I remember when I thought turning 18 would make me an old lady. I had a great day.
Here are 43 things I loved about yesterday.
1. waking up to a sign on my garage-so love my neighbors
2. Ricky walking in, getting a hug and in his changing voice, "happy birthday mom."
3. Jessica faking she is asleep so she can jump up and yell, "happy birthday!"
4. Richard actually remembering
5. Max and Fenway's rendition of "Happy Birthday."
6. My mom's homemade pancakes
7. My mom's cinnamon rolls
8. Being sung "happy birthday" at the breakfast table
9. Being sung "happy birthday" in a department meeting
10. Getting a homemade card from a student
11. another round of "happy birthday" in the computer lab
12. my birthday being announced on Tenaya Television
13. happy birthdays throughout campus
14. a Fonzi birthday card
15. cards, hugs and candy from my morning core
16. my t.a. bringing a balloon and a card for the whole class to sign
17. Ricky setting my phone alarm to go off at 10:15 with a "happy birthday" message on it
18. Birthday greetings from my CE sisters
19. the wild bunch of 7th graders singing from across the lawn
20. 4th period's rendition of Happy Birthday
21. 5th period's rendition of Happy Birthday
22. our counselor's homemade card
23. marie callender chocolate pie from mark h at lunch
24. lunch with my dad, mark, penney, dora and windly
24. homemade muffins from dora
25. birthday shout outs from around campus
26. afternoon core's renditon of happy birthday
27. cards, stuffed animals, candy and more hugs
28. delivered flowers from one of my students-that was very cool
29. former students no0w in high school bringing a cupcake, cards and gift
30. other high schoolers stopping by to wish me happy birthday
31. the entire cheerleading team's rendition of HB with a few kicks thrown in
32. Ricky got a hair cut
33. Jessica was excited to go to Catechism
34. got a new camera because I lost my other one
35. neighbor mark asking about tacos ...we opted for hamburgers this year
36. homemade hamburgers and fries at my mom's
37. gift cards to Michael's from Aidan and Kenna
38. a card from Grandpa Al
39. the infamous choo choo train from Baskin Robbins
40. my brother called
41. we debated for 38:28 about going to Table Mountain so I could get my shirt
42. I only did one load of laundry because Ricky needed his uniform 43. Ricky and Jessica told me I am a good mom!
Thanks again...looking to # 44
Thanks Neighbors!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
1.How many songs are on your iPod? maybe 300-most of them Ricky and Jessica generated.
2. What music would you want played at your funeral? I Can Only Imagine, On Eagle's Wings, Simply the Best-(ricky, jessica and my song-because I think they are Simply the Best...even when my neighbor Jenn hears me screaming or using a hockey stick to get my kids into the house!)
3.What magazines do you have subscriptions to? Creative Keepsakes and Simple Scrapbooks
4. What is your favorite scent? Bath & Body's Lavender-helps me sleep and Sweet Pea.
5. If you had a million dollars that you could only spend on yourself, what would you do with it? Travel...but my kids who have to come and build on a scrapbooking room that could be organized correctly and functional
6. What is your theme song? Pocketful of Sunshine is big right now, but again, most songs are generated from Ricky and Jessica. Have a lot of old SMC favorites as well.
7. Do you trust easily? Probably TOO easily but glad that's how I am and how I get myself into some dumb situations.
8. Do you generally think before you act, or act before you think? Depends-if it is for me-I may think about it-for the kids-impulsive....scrapbooking-impulsive!
9.Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days? The state of our country has me sad, the little boy that keeps BUGGING Jessica and the fact that a kid would take a cheap shot at my son during a soccer game. Oh, and I forgot-MATH HOMEWORK!!!
10. Do you have a good body-image? As long as I am not looking in a mirror, trying on clothes...but yes, of course I do. LOL
11. Is being a mom fun? Wouldn't change it for the world!
12. How do you spend your social networking (Facebook, etc.) time? Blogging, Scrapbook Events, Neighborhood chit chats and lunch at work.
13. What have you been seriously addicted to lately? Pepsi-BAD! Cream of Wheat and toast.
15. What’s the last song that got stuck in your head? Pocketful of Sunshine as I play it everyday after I drop the kids off at my MIL's.
16.What’s your favorite item of clothing? My Saint Mary's sweatshirt!
17. Do you think Rice Krispies are yummy? Depends on who is making them.
18. What would you do if you saw $100 lying on the ground? Try to see if I could find out who it belonged to.
19. What items could you not go without during the day? Singing the Jessica song every night-even when I a gone over the phone and listening to Ricky tell me about his day and get mad if I forget to ask him about his.
20. What should you be doing right now? Doing lesson plans as I am off to Reno tomorrow!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
The TRIBE has spoken!
Last week the Missoula Children's Theater visited Mc Swain for the fourth year in a row. Well, Jessica was casted as the leader of the Tribe-the very hairy frowny face tribe. She had practice every night until 7:30 p.m. They did a performance in front of the whole school on Friday and then two performances on Saturday. The play was Robinson Caruso. It was a great play and we were so VERY PROUD of her. I have included some pictures.
We love you JESSICA!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
A Week in the Life
So this week...
*Jessica got a role as part of the Tribe in Robinson Caruso
*Ricky ate a jalapeno at school and scared everyone and he probably will never eat one again.
*Ricky's soccer team lost.
*It rained.
*I am back on my yearly Pepsi kick-not good.
*I started a new tradition for my family...spooky plates and cups for the month. BOO!
*I love having breakfast at my mom's every morning!
*Jessica is having a publishing party in class as they just published their first books.
*My tooth hurts.
*I have 6 loads of laundry to fold and atleast 6 to do.
*I have been the Merced Bus for all the kids in the play.
*I watched how pencils are made...very cool.
*I am almost out of Cream of Wheat.
*My feet hurt.
*Getting my nails done Friday at 4
*Had a scoop of Rocky Road ice cream
*Finished and mailed my Circle the wrong person!
*I am a dork
*I need to refill my meds.
*I have night lights strategically placed throughout the house.
*Can't wait to watch Private Practice
*Shared the Beatles with my students-"Let em In" (they loved it)
*Sing "You're Beautiful" with my students everyday
*Have not been in bed before midnight all week.
*Surprised Jessica today with dinner from Ben's.
*Loved her smile when she got her "Jessica chicken"
*Paid my city bill
*Made Jessica a really cool card for her publishing party
*2 Shows on Saturday
*Soccer is questionable
*Getting ready for Reno
* Grateful
*Wish I could remember more